The Science Office is subject directly to the Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation. As a university-wide organizational unit, it deals with matters related to the development of the university's scientific activity, thus supporting academic teachers and organizational units in building its prestige and position.
The main tasks of the Science Office include:
- Support for the university authorities and organizational units in activities aimed at evaluating the quality of scientific activity in individual scientific disciplines
- Coordinating and supporting administrative work related to the activities of the Councils of Scientific Disciplines
- Keeping records of academic degrees awarded for the purposes of preparing summaries and analyses
- Verifying the compliance of internal procedures for awarding academic degrees with applicable regulations
- Collecting statements from academic teachers: on assignment to a scientific discipline, on being included in the group of employees conducting scientific activity, on authorizing the university to demonstrate their achievements in evaluating the quality of scientific activity
- Collecting statements from participants of the Doctoral School about the authorization of the university to demonstrate their achievements in evaluating the quality of scientific activity
- Cooperation with the relevant rector's committees related to scientific activity
- Acceptance and formal verification of applications for scientific awards in competitions organized by the Prime Minister, the Minister of Education and Science and other external entities
- Support for programs rewarding the best scientists of the university, established by the Rector: Program Primus, Program Secundus, Academia Iuvenum, Professor Magnus
- Administrative support for Academia Iuvenum and support in undertaking activities aimed at improving professional and scientific competences of its members
- Support for the Lem Prize international competition (Lem Prize website)
- Administrative support for the Research Ethics Committee and acceptance of applications
- Coordinating activities supporting the implementation of statutory tasks of the university in the context of social responsibility
- Keeping a register of participation of the university and its units in scientific societies and associations